Fast Delivery Slows, Resale Grows, ChatGPT Shows

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Ecommerce News, Tips and Trends

News & Numbers

As resale competition intensifies, Etsy adds bidding option

Return charges spurring brand abandonment

Why Is E-Commerce Search Still So Terrible?

Online Shopping’s Fast-Delivery Race Is Slowing Down


How To Use ChatGPT To Optimize Your Amazon Listing

The Ultimate Guide to Retaining Your Suspended Amazon Account

Amazon Influencer Program 2023 Guide

Guide to Website Design for Small Businesses (With Examples)

What is Temu? What Amazon Sellers Need to Know


10 Standout Packaging Ideas for Small Businesses

How the pandemic’s e-commerce boom drove new packaging trends

DTC marketers planning to up CTV/OTT spend this year

Sponsor Spotlight

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Take a close look at this image - you’ll find ecommerce products that went viral and sold millions of units. Glimpse were the first research firm to note the hype early - they did so by tracking Google Search to see which product trends were beginning to hot critical velocity.

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