A unique offer for NTFD readers - Weekend Deep Dive

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Brought to you by: Oddit - UX teardowns for websites looking to boost long-term conversion & strengthen brand loyalty

Read on to find a free way to get top conversion experts to suggest an improvement to your website AS WELL AS a special offer!


Our mission at No Time For Dat is to make life easier for ambitious ecommerce operators (that's you!). Our usual programming features a general blend of news, trends, learning threads and tools - this weekend special instead focuses entirely on a specific tool or practice that will really help you exponentially. We only partner with brands that have a product that will be genuinely useful to you.

A Special Partnership

A couple of months ago, an ecom focused newsletter caught our eye - it was The Perspective, a newsletter that focused on ecommerce brand UX tear downs with a focus on conversion. Check out that newsletter here:

The PerspectiveLearn about brand-first, conversion-optimized customer experiences from the best brands in the world.

We reached out to the team behind the newsletter and learned about Oddit - the company behind the teardowns. Led by Shaun Brandt and with a strong, smart team of operators, we were impressed by their knowledge of the space and the insights that they shared.

They made us a very generous offer - a free brand tear down for one lucky NTFD subscriber! We presented this offer to our most engaged readers (hint: if you want to be one for next time, make sure to always open and click on our newsletters) and we had some great volunteers. Unfortunately, not everyone can be a winner and get a full report - but you can get one free Oddit recommendation!

Introducing: PROMiXX

NTFD sub Joe Faulkner-Edwards is the Founder & CEO of PROMiXX, a DTC brand featuring an incredible range of best in class electric shaker bottles and blenders. We presented PROMiXX’s site to the Oddit team and they worked their magic. See their insights and tips below - and see how you can incorporate the ideas into your own website too! The Report shows how the site appears before any changes, and how it would appear after Oddit changes have been implemented - with commentary and suggestions.

Without further ado, here’s the Oddit Report for PROMiXX.

Insight 1:

Suggestion 1: There is plenty of whitespaces here – get this announcement bar onto a single line to save on vertical space!

Suggestion 2: There’s no reason for this to stack so oddly. Pull them into a single line.

Suggestion 3: Your content flow is key in the header – introduce yourself, build trust, show the product clearly, and give users accessible actions to take.

Suggestion 4: Include a primary action to shop your best-selling product, and a secondary action to explore all. Ensure these actions are full-width and sit at the bottom of the fold where they are most accessible for mobile users.

Suggestion 5: All of these are great, but this is many users' first view of the product – instead of these 4 traits, pull in 2 product-focused callouts!

Insight 2:

Suggestion 1: Let the menu takeover the entire screen to give you a little larger canvas to work with!

Suggestion 2: Default this to be open.

Suggestion 3: Create a clear hierarchy of actions here. Anything shopping related is primary. Ideally, you would pull in your 3 primary categories with images!

Suggestion 4: Add a blanket action to shop your best selling products, for users who don’t know what they want.

Suggestion 5: Put your social icons in the footer only. We want users in your mobile menu going to shop – not going off-site!

Insight 3: 

Suggestion 1: Pull in a few key product traits

Suggestion 2: Test adding a quick jump menu to your primary categories.

Suggestion 3: This is completely unnecessary and killing conversion. Reduce unnecessary whitespace, and pull your products up the page where they can be seen immediately.

Suggestion 4: Pull your product cards up the page, and make sure they display in rows of 2 for easy exploration!

Insight 4:

Suggestion 1: Prompt exploration by allowing the next image to peek in from the right to save vertical space and allow key actions and content to move higher up the page.

Suggestion 2: Add a text callout here to tell users what they are looking at.

Suggestion 3: Pull reviews up the page and make them pop!

Suggestion 4: Try describing the product better in your title

Suggestion 5: Decide what the 3 key selling points are, and feature them above the add-to-cart. We suggest looking at your customer reviews and finding the 3 most common things customers comment on!

Suggestion 6: All these simple changes and we’ve got users all the information they need, and got our add-to-cart right where we want it – at their fingertips.

Suggestion 7: Your customers don’t know your internal naming system. This product title tells users one element about your product and it’s not even the main feature.

Suggestion 8: There’s only 1 color option on this product – don’t waste precious real estate communicating a variant selector that cannot change. Delete this function completely.

Suggestion 9: Test removing your quantity selector and allowing users to change quantity in cart only

Summary & Special Offer

When Joe, the CEO of PROMiXX, received this report, he loved it. They are already in touch with their devs and planning on instituting all suggested changes!

If you’d like to get some insights for your brand, go here to get one free Insight or go ahead and buy a Full Report and get 10% off with code “NTFD” at checkout!